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MumPI is your Webinterface in PHP for Mumble talking to your Mumble Server (“Murmur”) via the Ice-Middleware.

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MumPI is your Webinterface written in PHP for your Mumble Server ("Murmur") using the Ice-Middleware.

For installation notices, see wiki/Installation
For FAQ see wiki/FAQ

To access the admin area, add /admin/ to your url.
To access the viewer, add /viewer/ to your url.
To access the user, add /user/ to your url. (redirect in place)

On first admin-login your admin account will be created automatically. No need to manually create your first admin account yourself. Just log in and admin-away!

Note on accounts:
The interface is using a local database for storing mumpi admin accounts etc.
This has nothing to do with mumble or murmur accounts, but only the interface itself. This data is stored in the data subdirectory. Please make sure that it is no web-accessible (the .htaccess file in the data directory should deny access).

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